Sunday, January 31, 2010
Maui - Day 5
Today has been a very quiet day. Not much going on, but that is ok, this is vacation. We actually got to sleep in a little, Juliet is so congested that we gave her some Benedryl and it helped her breathe. We went into town and did laundry and went to Walgreens for things, esp sunscreen that wasn't expired. We came back to the hotel and Juliet and I went for a walk along the beach where they have a sidewalk that connects all the hotels.
We went to dinner at Kimo's in Lahaina. I think Kimo himself was our waiter. I highly recommend this place to anyone visiting this area. I had a white fish with a chipotle sauce and a pineapple salsa. YUMMM. Jon had a lobster stuffed white fish with a white wine sauce. Again quite yummy. We sat on the lanai (deck) and ate as the sun went down. This place actually had sun shades and a lanai cover they retracted once the sun went down. Only place we have been that is that considerate of their patrons.
In our shopping tonight I found a little turtle for Juliet's room and a Christmas ornament with a hula girl and a palm tree. You know me, I love anything Christmas.
Aloha, Laura
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Maui - Day 4
Spending those hours in the sun were draining, we were all tired. We rested for a bit then went for a walk on the beach. Guess who didn't want to have anything to do with the sand or the water. She did however like the pool chairs and the fire they have all over the resort. She babbled and yelled at one of those little birds you see that run out to the water then run away when the waves come in. She says Yeah, No and Bye now and we are working on Bird.
We ate at the little bar by the pool tonight, yes, "I took a baby to a bar".
So I thought we were going to make it the whole day without Juliet hurting herself, well I was wrong. Apparently she smashed her finger in something. Shaking head. Road to Hana tomorrow or Monday.
Aloha - Laura
Friday, January 29, 2010
Maui - Day 3
The waves were big this morning so we took a walk on the beach. They sound like an angry child slapping their hand on water as they pound against the sand. I got some wonderful pictures that will be posted later. Juliet did not like the rough water and held tightly to daddy the entire time we were there. The morning was quite windy and a little chilly so I am glad I brought her hat to cover her ears. She also wants nothing to do with the sand and with less than a week before pictures on the beach we are going to have to work with her on that.
We came back in and changed into our swimmies. The kiddy pool was much warmer than the big pool and she had a great time splashing around again today. She seems to have gotten over her fear of the grass as she was walking all over it today. Jon says it is more of a golf grass so that may be the difference. I found some hammocks to lay in and hoped she would like to be in there with me. I guess not, too much still time for her.
We went to Bubba Gump seafood for dinner tonight. Yes Forest Gump and you must start the shrimp monologue. Food was good and atmosphere was fun. Did a little shopping after and got gelato for dessert. Of course my little bird ate half of mine, but that is ok, I am not a sweet person. Juliet got a shovel and bucket for the beach tomorrow and we may go whale watching tomorrow. Juliet will stay behind though, I hear it can be rough.
That is all for today, big waves predicted for Sunday so maybe to the North Shore we will go.
Aloha, Laura
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Maui - Day 2
We started the day with Juliet throwing up all over me and while we were cleaning her up a slug appeared and attached himself to her container of baby food. That made me want to throw up more than the sick did. We at least got to sleep until 6 today, Juliet kept rolling over and hitting her head on the metal bars of the crib so she kept waking up.
Jon got an email yesterday from UH Law that said he needed more paperwork so he was up at 5 working on getting them what they needed. FUN.
We ended up going to breakfast and leaving JC with her grandparents. We could hear her screaming all the way at our table. Sorry other vacationers. When we got back to the room, I noticed that she sounded very wheezy and congested. We gave her some benedryl and then she and I went for a walk and to buy her a little pink hula skirt. PRECIOUS!! When we got back she took a 2 hour nap with Dada, she still had the labored breathing but looked like she felt better. We went for a swim, well she played on the stairs and wanted out of the water. Silly girl.
We ended up having to take her to a doctor here in Maui. She has viral bronchitis. Poor baby. At least he was a nice doctor, if rather expensive, we have medicine now.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Maui Day 1
So does anyone else think Ah Duh may be Water? She is fixated on water, loves the stuff, always wants to touch it and get in it.
Day 1 began at 4am when Juliet started kicking Jon ready to get up. So we played around for a couple of hours and unpacked our suitcases. About 6:30 ish the sun started coming up and we were getting hungry. We didn't get moving very fast and at 7:30 Juliet decided it was nap time so we all laid down for an hour and a half nap. By this time this sun was up and it was beautiful outside. Apparently Maui has been in a fog for a while and the front that moved in, high of 79 people, blew alot of it away.
We went down for breakfast and walked around a bit. We decided to try the flower in the hair pictures and noticed when I uploaded them that they had black fuzzies in the pictures. Well I panicked, we tried everything. I got online and found that most of the tine they are caused by dust. Well Thank God for Randy at Randy's Camera repair, he got rid of the dust GREMLIN and we are back in business.
Juliet stayed at the hotel with her grandparents so we could go to the grocery and get the camera fixed. They got her down with no problem and she slept close to two hours, in our bed.
There are these thin flower things that are on all the balconies that Juliet hates. They fly off with the wind and come into the room and fly down the hall. She wants nothing to do with them and cries when they are near her. Silly Baby.
We went to dinner at Cheeseburger In Paradise in Lahaina. Have to say the food was good and the environment was fun. I got Juliet a grass skirt and a flower for her hair. She and daddy are playing blocks getting ready for bed.
Good Night Day 1 Maui
Travel to Hawaii
Gramma and Granddaddy met us at the airport with beautiful leis and water waiting. They drove us back to the resort and we stopped by Maui Tacos for fish tacos. We were so hungry since it was 10 pm our time. We stopped by to get milk and it was $10 a gallon. I almost laughed. Apparently the nice little guy who checked me out had pity and let me use one of their magic card and it cut it down to $7.20. The markup is amazing.
We made it to the hotel with Juliet still awake and running around. She made it until midnight TX time before she went to sleep. Outside our hotel is tiki torches reflecting off the ocean and the beautiful lagoon blue pool, there is music playing and you can hear the waves crashing. Then she only slept 4 hours and got in bed with us. We were up at 4 am playing and unpacking.
More Later
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Somethings New
The sweet little girl is snoozing soundly so I thought I would give a few, "What is Juliet doing now?"
First of all she wants to get in her car seat by herself now. She will crawl into it and turn herself around. She almost has it figured out how to get her arms in and can help buckle the top clip when you guide it for her. The extra car seat has been put in a chair because she will climb into it and sit then try to get out and almost does a face plant on the ceramic tile. Boy wouldn't that make cute vacation pics, a busted nose and lip. Her favorite thing now is to ride on our shoulders. No matter what the mood, she always laughs when she is up there. This will come in handy for beach walks.
Santa brought her mega blocks for Christmas. She likes for you to put them in a pile in front of her so she can run her hands through them and scatter them everywhere. Speaking of scattering, at school she and the other kids scatter the books out of the toy box they are usually in and then take turns getting into the box and using it as a boat. I saw a little boy do it and the teacher told me they all do it. Little monkeys!!
We are still working on words, although she seems to be happy with Mama and Dada although other people say she talks more and her teachers say she signs. Not happening at home. Although we are working hard on up and she has the uh part down well.
Juliet got new sandals for our trip, thanks Meme, they are just precious!
I am guessing next post will be from Maui!
Love to all!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Any ideas or suggestions?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Cheese and Kisses
One time when she came to me I bent down to hand her the cheese and she opened her mouth like I was to put it in her mouth and then all the sudden leaned over and we will call it kissed my nose. She had her mouth open real wide so you can guess it was a wet kiss, but it was really sweet. We do have it on video.
We are all ready for vacation!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Juliet's Birthday Party
Jon has noticed that Juliet will run her tongue over her top teeth, I think it is a new feeling for her and she is trying to figure out what they are.Today we celebrated Juliet's first birthday with a party at our house. We had ladybug cake, cupcakes and cookies. There were alot of balloons too, she likes balloons. Mama, Papa, Meme Pappa, Darrell, Grandma, Madison and Sullivan, Auntie Jessie, Auntie Angie, Drew, Granny, Lynne, Mrs. Jessica and Mr. John came over to help us celebrate. Juliet is such a lucky little girl to have so many people who love her. We were sorry that Beckett, Zane and Kasen were sick, but we sent them cupcakes and cookies! She got a ton of awesome gifts, but today it was the slide that won. Of course she is like any child and must go up the slide. When all the gifts were unwrapped, it was time for Juliet to be so sleepy she threw a fit during happy birthday but stopped crying when everyone clapped. SILLY! We played hard tonight after a 3 hour nap with all of our new stuff.
Tonight while in the bathtub, I turn my back for a second, Jon is sitting right there next to the tub, and we look over and Juliet is standing in the tub smiling at us. I ask, "What do you think you are doing?" She very quickly squats down and smiles at me like, "Nothing Mommy, you saw nothing." What a little stinker butt.
Make sure you check Flickr for new pictures from the party!
Love, Laura
Thursday, January 7, 2010
4 teeth now
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wounded Cat
Mama and Papa both say that they asked her what sound a cow made and she went Moo, but she hasn't done that for us. :(
She is also alot quicker than she used to be so if you open a door, don't dawdle, she will be right there with you quickly looking in there with you.
Can't wait to see everyone Sunday
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Read thru the New Testament
I have taken the challenge put forward by Pastor Nathan at NEHBC to read thru the New Testament this year. There is a outline to follow and it is one chapter a day. I feel that I should be able to put aside time to read one chapter a day.
Here is the outline if you want to join me. See the link on the top right of the page.
LauraSaturday, January 2, 2010
Drew's Party
Today we celebrated Juliet's cousin Drew's first birthday with his party. His actual birthday is 12/26. There were a ton of kids there and we had a blast. Drew racked up on presents, and surprised me when he didn't want to have anything to do with the cake. Juliet of course, only wanted Mommy and cried alot. She did get into the bouncy house with me and laughed. Tooth 4 is almost in so I hope that this makes her more pleasant. We celebrate her birthday next Sunday 1/10. We hope you are there.
Pictures from today: