Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Day Out With Thomas

After a long week of Mommy, Daddy, Juliet ride choo-choo train the day finally arrived.  We headed for Dallas Friday afternoon, with the little voice in the background demanding to ride the train.  It was a long car ride with only a 50 minute nap so she was very cranky when we got to Grandma and Granddads.  We immediately put her in the bathtub since it was 6:30 already and gave her a screaming bath, which is always high on my want to do list.  After she was happy in her Mimmie pajamas we got down to some serious wear Juliet and Mikey out (G&Gs dog) play time.  He crashed before she did.  She is a play bouncy ball girl and he couldn't keep up with her.  Grandma surprised us with a painting that she had done of Juliet's name.  She is super talented and we love having her work in our home.

Bed time proved yet again to be a fight, she is so my child in the way that she likes to be in her own bed.  Takes her some time to calm down and to realize that mommy and daddy are there with her and that it is ok to go to sleep.  Well, her eyes popped open at 6:45 and she was ready to go, knew exactly where we were going.
All aboard choo-choo!

We headed to Grapevine (thanks Papa for letting us know about the road construction) and had to ride a shuttle bus to get to the train.  Of course in her opinion we rode a school bus.  I told her this is the nicest school bus she will ever ride!

We get to the grounds and Juliet gets her first tattoo.  She surprises me on what she will do one day and if you try it again she will tell you no.  (We finally got the tattoo off her hand Monday night!)
We walk around for a bit because we are early and take pictures.  It is a nice setup they have with model trains and a Mega Blocks Thomas and a bouncy house that had more kids than Juliet was ready for so she didn't get in. 

Finally it was time for us to get on the train.  We had to give the man our ticket and meet The Conductor. 

Next we found our seats and the ride started.  It was a 20 minute ride thru the most scenic parts of Grapevine, (not).  I think she really enjoyed it once she figured out we were finally riding the choo choo train. Jon and I enjoyed watching her have fun. 

All in all it was so worth the trip to Dallas to ride the train.  We had alot of fun and she is still talking about riding the train.  Can't wait to see what adventure Mommy finds for us to do next!
Hope you enjoyed our train ride experience.  We sure did and love sharing with you. 

Love, Laura

Monday, March 28, 2011

According to this

According to this nifty little chart, we should be done teething!!  YEAH!!!  Thank goodness, it has not been a fun process at all!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Precious Moments

With a very active 2 year old, the quiet moments are sometime the best.  Juliet and I were laying in her bed tonight while she was supposed to be going to sleep.  She rolled over and put her forehead on mine and her arm around my neck and gave me a kiss.  Then she told me "love you too mommy", and gave me one of her Juliet hugs that are so strong.  Then she patted my neck and said "close eyes mommy".  After restless nights, fighting her to take her medicine and crankiness, it's the little moments that make everything perfect. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Zoo Trip

Today Jon and I took vacation days and took Juliet to the Houston Zoo.  It was a beautiful sunny day in the low 70s.  It was nice to sleep in and play without having to rush and get dressed and out the door.
We got to the zoo around 10 and started out at the elephants.  For some reason, I guess because of how big they are, Juliet was a little scared.  We wandered around and caught a glimpse of the Cheetah as it was running to hide from people wanting to see it.  Of course that started her saying kitty kitty over and over.  
We then went to the new African Forest area where we played in the huts and with the masks.  We saw the monkeys, there was one very active one and it wanted to play with the humans.  It would run up and hit the glass and run off.  The other 2 were more my kind, they laid in hammocks the whole time.
Next we saw the rinos, which got her attention.  For some reason she liked looking at the rinos.  We still hadn't found the giraffe's and that is what mommy likes.  Finally we rounded a corner and there they were.  Their enclosure reminded me of the Ft. Worth Zoo.  It was more of the open enclosure type.  They have a baby giraffe that is a week old today.

Then we saw the sign, feed the giraffe, of course we had to do this.  OK, yes, $5 for 3 pieces of lettuce is a little high, but who really cares in the grand scheme of getting to feed a giraffe.  Well here is my scenario, we get up there, I feed the giraffe and Juliet hangs on to me not wanting to feed it.  Well here is what really happened!
Can you believe it?  After being afraid of an elephant that is 40 feet away to being right up close to the giraffe!  She enjoyed this and so did I.  We found the lions and the bears next but they were not very exciting, they wanted to lay there and sleep.  Then we found the duck pond...  Two hours at the zoo and in that child's mind all we saw were ducks.  She loves ducks, almost as much as bunnies.
Then it was on to the mingos (flamingos) and the zebra and we decided it was time to go.  She was getting that it's nap time look on her face and the last thing we wanted to do was spoil a really fun day with a hissy fit right there at the end.
But not without stopping to see the meerkats and the sea lions.  The sea lions were very active and she got to see them swim and jump lots.
All in all it was a very fun trip, we came home and took a 2 hour nap then went an had lunch around 3:30ish.  Chicken nuggets for the little one and Chipotle for the parents.  We came home and spent time together watching TV and playing toys.  It was a wonderful vacation day.  Now it's nite nite time and she is fighting it tonight.  

Make sure you are checking out flickr.  I post tons of pics there that I don't post here.  
Love to all, Laura

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A little bit of this and that!

Our little princess was uninterested in seeing the videos of the baby.  She wanted to watch Mickey Mouse and eat cheese.  I am thinking it is going to take the real thing being here before she thinks anything of it. 

I don't know when I last gave a what is she doing now but here are a few we have noticed recently.  

She is recovering from a UTI (urinary tract infection) that spiked her fever to 102 last week.  She hasn't been wanting to go to the potty, but this morning she was pretty dry when she got up and went to the potty like a big girl instead of just going in her diaper!  We were so proud.  It's the first time she has done that.
Every night I tell her Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You. Tonight she told me, "night, love you too mommy." My heart melted!
She will tighten her own seat belt, I didn't notice her doing it, just thought I didn't remember doing it.  Jon noticed her pulling the strap on the carseat.
I handed her a play phone one day after school because she was fussy and wanted daddy.  I said call daddy and she started dialing numbers.
Ride wagon is code for go to park. When we get in the wagon she tells us that a way. She knows exactly where the park is.
Started laying back in the bathtub so I don't get water in her face when I wash her hair.
Gives kisses with sound effects now.   They are wet, but they are so much fun.
Walks down the stairs now instead of scooting on her bottom. Yes we are there to hold her hand.
Says Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, meeska-muska-Mickey Mouse, and Mystery Mouse-ka-tool.  As you can see, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still a favorite.

We are taking her to A Day With Thomas on March 26 in Dallas.  She has really enjoyed trains lately so I hope she likes this.

Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails!

Newest Clements is a BOY!  We found out today!