Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tis the Season!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Jessie!!

I have a horrible nasty cold that is making me hard to live with so bear with me!

I absolutely love Christmas, my tree has been up over a week.  It now houses Juliet's birthday presents, because frankly, in this house it is a Christmas tree and a Birthday tree.  I will make her ornaments soon for this year.  Our Christmas cards will be here sometime today and this is perfect as it will meet my December 1 deadline to get them in the mail.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Next Sunday we are having her 2 year portraits done in Liberty.  I am still on a mad hunt for the perfect little dress, I have found it, just need to find her size ASAP!!!
We celebrated Thanksgiving in Liberty with the family this year.  It was awesome!  Great food and great company.  We ate at moms and then after Juliet's nap we went out to dads.  It was so good to see everyone.  Yes, pictures are up on Flickr so hop on over and check them out.
Jon and I went shopping on Friday and knocked out a huge chunk of our Christmas lists and didn't have any trouble finding things even though we didn't start till around 10am.  We found a blowup Santa for the front yard, when we pull in the driveway and he isn't inflated we hear uh-uo Danta!  She also wants to go give him a high five before we go in.  It's a huge step from not wanting to go near him at all!!  It's really cute.

My child has my love of Christmas and apparently my obsession with snowmen.  Meme got her another light up snowman who is smaller that she can carry around, which yes she does walk around with both of them now.  She calls them ninnys, ask me why I do not know.
It was so cold here on Friday that we didn't get to go outside because she has already been sick, so she brings me her gloves and we put them on, of course then she thinks we can go outside because she is warm.
Saturday I don't thinks Juliet or I got out of our pajamas, we had a lazy Saturday which I know I needed very bad.  She has started walking like a dinosaur if you ask her how a dino walks, see it on Flickr! 
Today, well yesterday since it is 1am and I can not sleep, we got up and went to church then ate at Five Guys burgers.  I saw a woman there who looked so familiar I had to go speak to her.  We could not place why we looked so familiar to each other, but I guess that happens.  I did get the opportunity to ask her and her husband to join us at church as they have not attended a church since moving to this area.  I did forget to get her name though.  We took a long nap when we got home and went out to the mall looking for JC's dress.  On the way home she told us "Love you Mommy and Love you Daddy."  My heart melted and I almost cried.

I am going to end this post with a few of the things I am thankful for:
1 - A God who loves me and my family so much that he would send HIS SON to die for my salvation.
2 - A wonderful, loving, supportive husband and a beautiful and smart little girl.
3 - My family who supports me fully.
4 - My friends, those close to me now and those I only see on the internet.  May you and your family be blessed.
5 - My job in this unstable economy.

The list goes on and on, but I will stop there.
Love to all, I am going to try to sleep!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  (and YES, my tree has been up since last Saturday!!)
Juliet is now 23 months old, 1 more month and she will be 2, where o where has the time gone?  Her party is on Dec. 11th, don't forget!!

Last night we did Feed the 5th with the church.  Juliet and I were on the welcome committee and Jon was on the prayer committee.  It was our first ministry as a family and I think it was a wonderful experience. 

Juliet has learned to count to 10, she can say the numbers and use her fingers to count.  Sunday we were watching football and there was a fumble and Jon was counting how many people missed the ball.  He said one, two and she said three, he said four she said five, six, he prompted seven and she said eight, nine, TEN!  She likes 10!  We were so proud of her!!  Her teachers were shocked too, they sing 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians and apparently she is picking up counting!! 

Saturday we had an awesome baby shower for Mrs. Jessica and baby John.  She got a ton of fun things for the baby!!  It was so much fun and Juliet and Victoria were dolls.  Juliet ate whatever Victoria ate so we are going to start renting a kid for dinner time so the kid will eat.  (JOKE)  She even ate a whole piece of cake, minus the icing.  I will give her credit, she did try the icing, then spit it back at Mama. 

We had to go to the dr again because of an icky nose and she is breathing heavy.  He ended up giving her a breathing treatment, I have never been so glad for my iPhone, You Tube and MMCH.  She watched MMCH on my phone while getting her treatment and never once complained.  I could tell after that she seemed to feel better.  So I think it worked.

I turned on the tree when we got home because she stood staring at it going Christmas lights... very sternly at me.  When I turned it on she said, WOW Christmas tree!!!  She also found the light up snowman that Meme got her last year and it seems to travel with us.  Upstairs then down, in the car and out.  She also knows how to turn it off and on so we don't have to do it every time she wants it one way or the other. 

Oh, and Juliet has started wearing big girl panties with her diaper, school is working hard with her on potty training, but she still just wants to sit on the potty.  That is ok, we don't want to force her and have a major set back. 

Well, I must be going, hoping for an early release from work so I can get some things done.  But for now, I will watch the cops outside my window arrest people and the tow trucks haul off their car, I just don't have motivation to do much!! HAHA

Love to all,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a helper!`

Most Important:  Thursday at school, Juliet went tee-tee in the potty.  She has been very interested in the potty for a while but never did anything.  Wednesday they put her on it and she just giggled, but Thursday when they put her on, she got a strange look on her face and when they checked she had gone!!  We are so proud of her!!  We knew she would do this in her own time.  (She hasn't done anything since that, but still wants to sit on the potty!)  When I put her to bed I said let's tell Jesus nite-nite, thinking let's say our prayers, well she said nite-nite Jesus.
We took Juliet to the church on Saturday to help set up for "Big Church" while the sanctuary is still being remodeled.  She was such the helper putting the bibles on the chairs, she would take them off the cart then putting them on the chair.  She thought every chair needed one though.  She also had to test out the new child check-in area.   I painted her toes Saturday morning before we left, she sat there and watched me paint them and then let them dry.  I think she liked being like mommy with her toes painted. 
She has started laying on her stomach in the bath tub, she will talk toward the side of the tub because it echos when she talks.  When someone sneezes she says bless you.  I have a bruise on my leg and she said "momma hurt" and kissed my leg. She has now become a sticker freak, she loves having them all over her legs and arms.  She is in the kitchen now trying to help daddy empty the dishwasher, she wants to carry the glasses...
Every time I try to get on the computer, she climbs in my lap and stays there so I have to do updates when she is distracted.

More Later,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two weeks in one

Can you believe we are into November, AGAIN!  There are 2 weeks of updates packed into this post, I forgot to post last week.

Juliet walks up the stairs now instead of crawling up them.  She either holds our hand or puts her hand on the wall to steady herself.  If she has something in her hands she expects you to steady her as she walks up not holding on to anything.  She has also started walking and running backwards.  Everything is 2 words together now.  big airmane, yellow bus, baby elephant, etc.  If you ask her what color something is the default is yellow, I have no clue why but she likes saying yellow.  We correct her and she will say the color we tell her.  She also started taking the balls out of the ball pit by color and then puts them back in one color at the time.  Mommy or Daddy have to kiss every hurt, and believe me there are alot of hurts lately. 
We have learned that Juliet says no when she is happy with her current situation.  If she wants to do something she will repeat what you say.  Juliet do you want to take a nap?, no nap.  Juliet do you want to go downstairs?, downstairs.  
We took JC and did the blitz for the Fall Festival at the church, she enjoyed going up to the doors, putting the flyers on the door and she even started knocking before we were done.  
Daddy and Juliet spent the Halloween weekend together while Mommy, Mama and Aunt Jessie went to Canton.  They had a good time together!  He even went to school Friday to watch the costume parade!
We took Juliet to the fall festival at the church on Halloween.  I was so glad that it was still daylight when it started.  She did everything except the hay ride, and with her allergies, I am glad she didn't want to do that.  There was a petting zoo and bouncy houses that she enjoyed alot!  What surprised me the most is she got her face painted.  She sat there really still while they drew a Mickey Mouse on her face.  I was in shock for the rest of the night.  Make sure you check out flickr for the pictures. 
Tuesday it was raining and she told me wawa wet, so I told her it's rain, wain wet. Smart girl!  It was raining Wednesday too and she immediately told me wawa wet.  We also took Juliet to vote with us, it is never too early to start teaching them the importance of things. 
On Friday coming home from school, I said Juliet, Love You and she said LOVE YOU!  It was awesome, I have been waiting so long to hear that!!
Saturday was a very busy day, we with Mama started out meeting Mrs. Jessica and her mom, Kimberly and Victoria at the Tea Room where we are having Jessica's baby shower.  The food was wonderful and the company was fun.  It was so fun to have a girls lunch!!  Then we headed to Daniel's birthday party at Gymboree in Willowbrook.  She played hard and had a good time climbing and crawling.  Daniel's mom put stickers in the goody bag and I thought she was going to freak out over them, but no, she loved them, put them all over her arms and legs.  Then she got one from the parking crew at church today!  Everyday it's something new or different.  We were supposed to go to a party with the church group, but we were so exhausted we missed it.  
We did pictures with Jeni Hendricks Photography today in the Eagle Springs subdivision.  She was a sweet lady who Juliet bonded with very well, I hope the pictures turn out great and that I have found a local photographer!  (Thanks to Cathy Theiss for recommending her.)  If you know someone who will give their time to dress as Santa for a charity event, she needs a volunteer or volunteers.  I can get you in touch with her. 
It promises to be another full week!