Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I ordered myself this really nice, soft and warm blanket from Pottery Barn for a Christmas gift, well it has now been confiscated by my 3 year old.  Doesn't help that she has one almost just like it in pink, why does she have to take mine!!  Haha!  It's pretty funny when you step back and look at it, she is so happy wrapped in that blanket it is precious, and yes there is a picture.
We were practicing her letters in the tub tonight, she can write M,N,g,c,H,T,t,e,E,O,o,l,a,i, and a few more I have missed.  This is without having me write them and her trace them.  We are working on the J because she writes it backwards as a L and her u, well it needs help, but hey, this is pretty good for 3.
This weekends song was I'm in the Lord's army and This little light of mine, they must have sang it at Puggles, because that is all she wanted to sing this week. 
We have been fighting Nate at night trying to get him to sleep on his tummy because of his flat head, well he just hates it.  Most kids love when they get to sleep on their bellies, not Nate, he wants to be on his back with his hands superman over his head.  It is the way he is comfortable and happy... well too bad little man! 
He is a pro at sitting up and will try to get himself back up if he falls, he just hasn't figured it out yet.  He hasn't tried to crawl yet but pushes himself up on his hands and watches one of his friends in class very closely on how to try.  He can turn circles on the floor and in his bed, it makes him mad when he gets turned sideways in the bed. He is also a professional roller now and will go all the way across the room!
I have two happy children who are a mess!  This is short and sweet, but hey, it's something!!

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