Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Smarty Pants or Sponge?

Well, it has happened again, Juliet is being treated for a mild case of pneumonia the doctor wanted to treat is as pneumonia before it got worse and then we really had a problem. So we have an antibiotic, a steroid, and the lovely nebulizer schedule. If that wasn't enough, poor baby has pink eye. She and daddy are home together yesterday and today and mommy will stay home tomorrow with her. Poor sweet girl can't catch a break.
I read somewhere last night that a 2 year old eats barely enough to keep a bird alive, I guess this is good because she now eats cheese, crackers, yogurt and nummies (gummy bears). I hope that her vitamins are doing their jobs.
Our little smarty pants knows colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Her way to tell you the color is no then says the color. She still counts to 10 and loves 8,9,10. She knows quite a few shapes too and when we watch MMCH she tells us the shape. It always amazes me how much she absorbs and repeats! Haha, you can probably guess!
She went teetee and poopoo in the potty last weekend for daddy. She told him when she needed to go and they made it in time. She had never heard her potty sing so it surprised her. She had also never gone poop in the potty so it was a new experience. I think she thought it was wrong but daddy reassured her it was a good thing. Of course there has been nothing since then.
Instead of just making animal sounds now she will say the name of the animal and make their sound now. The newest is monk-ney.
Last thing and I will let you go, last night she fought us going to bed. I tried to put her socks on and she screamed so I took them off not five minutes after I closed the door she was screaming. When I went in to check she was holding her socks and crying for me to put them on. Silly little girl, Mommy is right most of the time.

Hope you enjoyed the update, keep us in your prayers during this sickness.


Typed from iPhone, sorry for the errors.

1 comment:

  1. Funny info about how much a 2 year old eats. Good to know though because Ty hardly ever eats!!! Freaks me out sometimes but I guess he's okay :)
