Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sweet Juliet Claire is 3

Where has the time gone?  Seems like yesterday you joined our family.  You are a precious gift and we love you so much and are so proud of you! You woke this morning to a room filled with balloons.  All I heard through the monitor was MOMMY, MOMMY come get me.  I didn't know if you were scared or excited.  Excited won, you couldn't get enough of the balloons.
We had Chick-fil-a for breakfast and lunch, where we opened presents and played.  Then it was on to Liberty to see Mama and Papa and celebrate with them.  You had a fun filled 3rd birthday.  I was so excited that you seemed to understand what was going on and that the day was for you. 

At 3 you:
Can spell your name and recognize it when it is written
Know your first and last name, along with the whole family
You know when your birthday is
Favorite colors are pink and purple
You have an active and entertaining imagination, your favorite thing right now is to rescue your ponies with pixie dust and the phrase "pixie dust away" (From Izzy on Jake and the neverland pirates)
You love your little brother, just don't like him to touch you
You know the days of the week and the months of the year
You have an incredible memory, especially with books and your memory verses
You love to play outside
Art is your favorite part of the school day
You love to sing songs and know most of the words to alot of songs, especially your school songs
You give really awesome hugs
You dislike being corrected, even for minor things, you cry very easily, but as for now mommy and daddy hugs and kisses fix most things
You have really gotten into having Buddy the Elf around, your eagle eye spots him very quick
You have recently found a love for chocolate and chocolate cake, no icing though
You love chicken nuggets, steak, strawberries, cheese, crackers, fruit snacks, gummie bears, apple juice, Papasito's rice, grapes,
You love dance class and did awesome in your first recital
You loved decorating the Christmas tree this year
Says "I think Yeah and Maybe Nope",  "I can not believe it",
You like girly things and really like it when you and your doll Lisa match clothing
You really love your daddy, he is special.

You are a really sweet girl, we love you so much.  Happy Birthday Princess Juliet!
Mommy, Daddy and Nate

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