Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trials of growing up!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I got flowers from Jon and the kids, it was so sweet and made my day! We had cupcakes and Chick-Fil-A as treats. For Juliet’s friends we made friendship bracelets, which took a long time but it was time together.

When Juliet breezed through her twos with no issues, I thought “great, we missed the terrible twos!” Wrong, it just waited till the threes. Don’t get me wrong, she is still a sweet and loving little girl, she is just pushing limits she hasn’t before. “No” is a new found love word, “I don’t want to ___” is a common phrase, bedtime and bath times are a nightmare. We had to have a talk about listening in class and had to look for our listening ears because apparently we misplaced them, but alas they were found and haven’t had that problem since. Just typical things you go through growing up, I can hear my mom laughing now.

Juliet loves Puggles, she now knows 3 bible verses and the words to every kid song they sing. I love listening to her sing bible school songs that I grew up with and we can sing together. I even told Ms. Maryanna in church on Sunday that she is making a difference with her during song time. It makes me feel good to let people know that the hard work they do is evident in my child’s life. Mama and I took her to a Valentine’s tea party at On A Whim in Liberty, she had a blast. Check out her painting on Flickr.  That child loves art, reading stories and being a princess, which was what they did. She also wants her own umbrella when it rains, I am so glad Maya’s mom gave them as party favors. 

Nate is 7 months old. He is a little guy with a big attitude already. We are at that stage where everything goes in his mouth, I mean everything. He loves wipe bags because they make a lot of noise. He also mimics you. If you frown he cries, if you smile he will smile and laugh. He also likes to be close to Juliet, wants to grab her hands and hair. She hates it, wants to move away from him. I have to remind her that he will not hurt her, just loves her. He is trying so hard to be mobile, but goes backwards instead of forward. Hey, you gotta start somewhere. If you walk past him he holds up his hands for you to pick him up and follows you with his eyes if you walk past him.  His grin is infectious, it melts your heart. It helps to see it on nights like we have had lately where he is up every half hour.

Here's a funny for you, I put my 19.5 lb son in Baby Gap 3-6 month overalls today!  They are the biggest 3-6 month clothes I have ever seen!!

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