Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Monday, July 19, 2010

Growing and Learning

Juliet is growing and learning everyday.  She has such the little personality and attitude.  She has started saying yummm when she eats something that she likes or sees something that she wants to eat.  She also growls when she doesn't like something or you ask her what the lion says. 
We set up her pool Friday in the back yard while I was home for lunch.  We let it sit in the sun so the water got warm.  I had no clue how she was going to react to the pool and I was shocked to see her run for it ready to play.  She had such fun playing in the water with Mommy and Daddy both Friday and Saturday.  It rained on Sunday so we had to pick it up. 
I downloaded her an application on my iPhone called iTot flashcards.  It has animals, colors, numbers, etc.  It has a picture of the animal, says it's name and then makes a sound if there is one.  She already knows how to flip through the cards.  When the sheep comes up she says ba ba, and when the puppy comes on she starts saying  bark bark, in a really high pitched voice.  She has also started carrying the cell phone around saying hello hello, and then proceeds to carry on a gibberish conversation to whomever she has on the other end.
She has now conquered the step in the garage.  She will go up and down it without hesitation now.  She used to wait and turn to ask for your hand for help.  Not anymore!
We had to go visit the doctor on Saturday and of course she has another sinus infection.  You can see just by looking at her she doesn't feel good.  I so wish there was something we could do for her other than drug her. 

Juliet turns 19 months in 4 days.  Where has the time gone?  Before you know it we will be having her 2nd birthday party! Yikes!

Flickr has a ton of new pics if you haven't visited lately!

Since I can't put it off any longer, I need to get to work.  I have a horrible case of the Monday's.
Love Laura

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