Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things that are dead and things that smell dead for 500 Alex

Answer: Rex and Lois
Ding: What are things Juliet saw the day she turned 19 months?
Juliet turned 19 months old last Friday, and we celebrated by going to the Houston Museum of Natural Science to see the Corpse Flower, Lois and to see the dinosaurs.  She was not very interested in the bones of the dinos, but she did growl for me.  We did see some that caught her attention.  These actually have color and she liked them.

The line for the corpse flower was over an hour and a half behind and she was loosing it quickly.  We did quite alot of running around columns and back and forth between Mommy and Daddy.  We got her some ice cream and some french fries from the McDonald's in the museum.  She loved the french fries which was a surprise to me since she usually wants the ice cream.  So you stood in an hour and a half line and then you get in and it's like Disney World, another line.  There were games for her to play inside and we finally got to see the flower.  She was less than impressed and it was way past her bedtime at this time.  She was so tired, but did get to see butterflies which she liked.
Make sure you check out Flickr to see all the pics from the trip!
I went on the Scott Kelby 3rd Annual Photo Walk on Saturday, it was so wonderful to get out and about with my camera.  I so love photography!  (Flickr for those too!)
Juliet has become very attached to her frog and carries it around everywhere, even to school!  I got her a Minnie Mouse nightgown yesterday and she wore it from the time she got home until this morning.  It is too precious.
She is growing so fast and learning so much all the time.  She loves her animal and the sounds they make, Sheep, horse, cow, dino and lion, etc, loves them all.  (She knows how to use her iTot on my iPhone and loves it!)  She is such the little snuggle bug.  She loves to get and give hugs!  We have learned that she wants the opposite of who gets her up in the morning.  If I get her up, she wants Daddy, and he if gets her up she wants me.  She still loves to dance, is learning to put her clothes on, and surprise, drinks milk at school, but still refuses to at home!  One more before I go!!

Well, back to it!

Love to all! Laura

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