Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Oh my goodness, it's been 2 weeks since I have posted!! SORRY!  Not really, we have been having a blast with the kids and it's kinda hard to get on here and update.  I should also be asleep, but my hear hurts and it makes it hard to relax.  If you haven't been keeping up with Flickr, you are missing out. 

Let's see, Juliet started Awana's this past week.  She is in Puggles and the memory verse for this 6 weeks is "God created the heavens and the earth, Genesis 1:1".  She will repeat it to me when I say it (she will say Genesis 111), then tells me I have to give her a cookie.  That was the reward for saying it to her teacher.  We went to Jumpalooza for a birthday party last week and she had a blast.  It is one of those places with a dozen or more bouncy houses and slides, it was hard to get her to leave.  She has had a very bad ear infection that we are trying to get rid of, it seems to want to linger and cause her a lot of pain.  I couldn't understand why I could only find a few burp cloths when I knew I had more, well, she is using them as baby doll blankets.  Speaking of baby dolls, her American Girl doll is the first to have a name.  It is Lisa, don't ask I have no clue, I was asking her what her baby's name was, she looked at me puzzled, I gave her a list of 4-5 names and that is the one she chose.  We now only call the baby Lisa and she knows which one we are talking about.  Preschool has been a huge success, today she recognized the numbers 1-5 by sight.  Jon and I are always amazed when she does this because when we try to work with her she usually tells us NO!  Stinker!!  She and Jon are having a camp out on the living room floor tonight, like they did last week.  Tomorrow I am going to take her to Hobby Lobby and get yellow yarn to make her a Rapunzel braid like the one I found online.  I think she will get a kick out of it.  We will see, you never know with her.  Also, what is up with the meowing?  The child meows all the time. 

Nate seems to have a cold or a sinus infection, he has nice green stuff in his nose.  It makes it hard for him to sleep so I propped him up tonight hoping it will help.  He has been doing very good at school and had no problems adjusting to the teachers.  It seems to have been easier on me to leave him that it was for Juliet.  He is holding his head up very well for good chunks of time.  He even sat in the bumbo for a few minutes this afternoon.  He now follows our voices when we talk around him and turns to look at us.  I was sitting up holding him while he slept the other night and all the sudden he smiled really big and kinda laughed.  It was so cute and funny all at the same time.  He is totally on formula now, we are done with breast milk.  The curtains for his room came in, Thanks Mama and Papa!!, can't wait to see them hung, I love them!, got to find a rod and get them on the wall. 

I know it seems like this is mostly about Juliet, but at this stage, it's going to be.  I start back to work full time on Tuesday, glad it's a short week!!

Love to all, I am gonna try to sleep!

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