Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Short but sweet

Why am I still up?  It is 11pm on a Sunday night, Juliet is asleep, but I just can't seem to settle.  I know it doesn't help that it was almost 10 before she went down tonight.  We have been attending the Song of Solomon bible study at the church.  It runs 6-8pm and tonight was the last night.  We ran long tonight because we did a vow renewal at the end of the course.  That was awesome!  So after getting home late, bath and winding down time, it was way past our bedtime!!  But that is OK, it was a good course. 
So onto the newness with Juliet. 
We will ask her "Are you done?" she will say "Not yet".
She moved to a new class this week. I was terrified of the transition to the new class because of the attachment she has to Mrs. Turner, I had nothing to worry about, it has been a wonderful transition, which all credit goes to the teachers! Don't get me wrong, we have some rough patches in the mornings, but they handle it well. 
She got to try dance class and will start this week. They have dance every Wednesday and they do flippers (gymnastics) every Thursday.  I bought her a dance costume and what a doll she makes in it!  Still have to go get her tap and ballet shoes.  Might have to hide those things at home!!!
We also started learning to say our prayers. We say four words at a time and she repeats what she can back to us.  If she can memorize her nite nite book, she will have no problem with this.
New favorite food is poo pies. French fries. But only the ones from McDonalds and Whataburger because they come in the containers she can hold.  She does not like Chick-Fil-A fries.  They look weird to her.
Daddy taught her how to fill up the water toys in the bathtub. They have fun squirting each other.  He can't complain when she gets him wet, it's his fault!!  Oh and she made me paint her toe nails one morning before class!  I told her I would do it after school, she was "no mommy, paint Juliet toes now!  Pink like mommy's!"  I'm in trouble!!!  Somehow I have gotten her to start saying "I'm a T-Rex", it's pretty cute.  She loves Dinosaur Train so it helps when we are watching it and I point to Buddy and tell her to say it.  She likes to stomp around and say it too!
If you haven't seen the newest addition to the Cozy Coupe, check out flickr, we got her a little wagon that you attach to the car and she can carry her babies around in it.  She hasn't had it long enough to see exactly how much you can put in there, but I did catch her trying to ride in it. 
I could go on and on, but I think I am finally getting sleepy, so I am going to call it quits.  Thanks to everyone who called, sent a text or a facebook post wishing me a happy birthday.  I had a really good day!!


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