Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our North Carolina Trip - Part 1

Oh My, I never blogged the entire time we were in North Carolina!!  It was a busy trip and without wireless most of the trip I was tied to a cable and didn't want to do it!!  So here I am now, sit back and enjoy!!  We left Saturday morning and took 2 flights to get into Wilmington NC where Denny met us at the airport there.  Denny had never met Nate so this was a special trip for that in itself.  My kids are awesome travelers, Juliet had her own seat and she liked looking out the window and watching movies on the phones with her headphones Mama and Papa got her and Nate either slept, ate or laughed and cooed at us.
So Gramma and Granddaddy (Lynn and Denny), or G&G for short while I type, live in a small little town called Hampstead, NC.  It's very much the quiet town that is about 20 minutes from the beach, NICE!  We stayed with them at their home, which in my opinion could be two homes in one.  We had the entire ground level to ourselves which was nice when the kids were sleeping we could visit upstairs and they could see the kids any time they wanted.  Gramma and the kids had a blast sitting on the swing just unwinding.  Nate got a hand full of Juliet's hair for the first time and she was not impressed with this new thing he found he can do.

This place of our own came in so handy when Juliet woke up Saturday night throwing up, she and I ended up sleeping on a pallet I made on the floor of the bathroom like my mom used to do for us.  We don't know if it was a bug or just the trip or what, but she was fine the next morning, although it did spread through the house and the only person spared was Nate, thank you God. 
Sunday was a day of rest, Jon and I tried to recover from Saturday night while the kids played with G&G, you couldn't tell Juliet had been sick.  Gramma had this little Southwest plane that made noises and Juliet just got the biggest kick out of that little plane.  It was so cute because she made this game up, on her own, she gave all her babies to Granddad and then she would turn the plane on and fly one baby at a time from Granddad to the table and back.  Wow, what a super imagination!!  Oh and Juliet and the dog Amy were fast friends, they loved each other.

Monday we woke up this way:  Juliet:  "It's time to wake up", Mommy: "Why?", Juliet: "Because the sun is up".  Silly mommy, you know better than to ask a logic question to a 3 year old.  So we started the day on the swing outside me feeding Nate and Juliet watching Little Einsteins on my phone.  Leave her and Gramma alone for a minute and they are singing Santa Claus is coming to town together, it was really cute and apparently she picked the words up really fast!!
Tuesday we went to the beach, boy that did not go over good at all.  Juliet was scared of the water for some reason.  She kept saying it was going to get her.  Who knows, I don't ask questions and she was probably just sleepy.  The beach was beautiful and true to the Atlantic, it was cold.
And the biggest news of Tuesday is that Nate rolled over from his front to his back, you know that he doesn't like being on his tummy, so we were chatting about nothing and he decided he was going to put himself on his back.  Mommy was so excited!!  To make it even better Wednesday he went from his back to his front then back over.  He hasn't wanted to do any more showing off, but we all know he can do it, mommy has it on video!!  He started this thing where he would reach out to the side of the pack and play and run his fingers over the mesh on the side.  It is a sensory thing, I know, the feel and the sound it made, but buddy bear did you have to do it at 4am???  He did not sleep well while we were gone and so neither did mommy or daddy.  Juliet had her own bed in another room so she slept fine!!
So the local grocery store, Harris Teeter had these awesome little people shopping carts they called Customer in Training.  She loved pushing this cart around the store!!  Why are these not common anywhere else?  What a fabulous idea!  Isn't she just the cutest thing you have ever seen!!!

Ok, this post is long enough, see part 2!

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