Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter weekend

Juliet started out Friday getting to sleep in a little and stay home with daddy since the daycare was closed. Unfortunately it didn't last since she had a doctor appointment and had to have 4 shots. She ended up with a bruise on one arm and a red rash on both arms but that seems to be gone today. She and Jon picked me up for lunch and we went to Freebirds. She was so tired that she slept in daddy’s arms all thru the line and on my chest the whole time we were eating. Didn’t bother me any, I got snuggle time.

Saturday started with Mama meeting us at the house and we went to an Easter egg hunt at The Woodlands United Methodist Church. It was a beautiful day for an egg hunt, but they had a puppet show before the hunt that lasted 45 mins or longer and we lost interest in that very quickly. It was sunny and hot and I got worried about her getting a sunburn so we left before the hunt began, she did get eggs and candy, just before everyone else. You could tell that all the little ones lost interest in the puppets quickly. She did capture the attention of a Houston Chronicle photographer and made her way onto Chron.com in the Woodlands section.

Saturday night Mrs. Jessica came over to play with Juliet and after a little while Juliet remembered just who Mrs. Jessica was and the playing was on. We ordered pizza and Juliet ate a thin crust square for herself.

Sunday we went to church and ended sitting outside so she could play. She has been sick so I didn’t want to put her in the nursery. Much to my dismay they brought out the buggy and took her class on a buggy ride, she wanted to go so bad. After the class was done, I put her in the buggy and pushed her around for a while so she did get to ride.

After church we headed into Liberty for lunch at Meme and Pappa’s. Juliet got to play with Drew. They are so much the same it is funny. Juliet is so much more aggressive than Drew and tried to take toys from him. We had to correct her a few times, but most of the time, he took up for himself. We have noticed that Juliet likes small dogs and she chased Crash all over the yard. She likes the way they feel and he is all too willing to let her pet him. She got to show off her egg gathering skills before mommy made her go stand in the bluebonnets for pictures. I did manage to get some cute ones before the flash on my camera quit working.

We left and went over to Mama and Papa’s to play for a little while. Mama took Juliet while mommy and daddy took a nap. They let the ball swing for a while then they decided to have a picnic on the back patio. What fun, anything to be outdoors. They noticed the kids across the street had kites and she had to go check that out. They walked over to watch the kite tails and ended up playing on their slide.

We left for home around 5:30 and Juliet slept, she was so tired and cranky that she did not even play in her bath. We tried to get her to go to sleep early, didn’t happen, but she did sleep all night. Was such a bear this morning I wish I could have left her sleeping.

She has learned that Minnie and Mickey are a pair. Where there is one, there should be the other. Mrs. Rosa told us on Thursday not to bring bottles anymore. We were to only bring cups for her to drink milk from. OH boy, just remembering the paci fiasco.

Going to Dallas this weekend for Sullivan's birthday party.

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