Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Friday, July 29, 2011

Our little family of four

Nathaniel came home from the hospital Monday night, he spent 16 days in the NICU.  Thank you Lord for healing our little boy so we could have our family home together, and thank you so much for all the family and friends who have supported us through this time.  We could not have gotten through this trying time without all the love and prayers that have come our way. 

It has been a huge adjustment in our house to have an infant in it again.  Feedings every 3 hours and diapers were a thing of the past here.  Now there is a little person who depends on Jon and me for everything while a very demanding toddler still tries to rule!  She loves her little brother so much and sometimes a little too much.  This is a huge adjustment for her and you can really see it in her bedtime routine.  She really wants mommy and daddy more than ever.  At school Thursday she told the teachers she was not moving classes she was staying with Mrs. Roach.  (It is not time for her to move, but 6 of her friends are moving).  There is so much change in her life right now.  It's OK Nate is a common phrase that comes out of her mouth when he cries.  She is included in almost everything we do with Nate from feeding to changing, we let her help us so she doesn't feel left out. 

We took Juliet to the circus on Sunday, it was so extremely nice to have something normal to do.  She really enjoyed the first half of the show, but since she had not gotten a nap, she started to freak when it was time to go back in for the second half.  We made it through the first act of the second half, got to see an elephant and ponies, and we left to go to the hospital.  Juliet got an elephant as her souvenir from the show, I thought she was going to get one of the light up toys, but she got to choose.

OK I have been trying to post this for 3 days, I am just gonna hit post, I know it jumps around and I am sorry. 

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