Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I took Juliet to the TVE fair last Saturday. She was so cute and we had alot of fun.

Saturday morning Juliet and I met Mama at her house so we could go out to the fairgrounds, but first Juliet had to go check on Nanny's house.  We got the added bonus of Aunt Jessie still being there so she went too.  I had bought Juliet little pink boots for the occasion. 
We started out looking at some of the animals, but I think it was still a little too much for Juliet to take in so we headed in to the arena.  We stopped by the sponsor board to take a picture with JC's name on it.  She didn't seem all that interested. 
We went into the arena where Meme, Poppa and Aunt Angie were working the breeding beef show.  If you have ever been in that arena, the sound goes to the top of the roof then bounces back down.  She was a little scared at first, but we played in the box seat areas and she was fine.  I think every kid who grew up win Liberty County has played on those white bars.  I turned around and she was standing on the fence.  She had climbed up on her own.  I took her down to see her Poppa and I think she realized what the cows were.  She kept saying MOOOO, and I would tell her baby and she would say Baby Moooo, she seemed to like it.   

We got back to the other end just in time to need a diaper change, of course, in a place with no place to change diapers, we went out to the car.  I put her tennies on so she could walk around better.  We got back just in time to see Uncle Andrew and Drew. 
The kids played for a bit and then started to get restless.  We took them to the petting zoo where there were goats, a deer, a rabbit, chickens, a pig, ducks and a kangaroo.  Which doesn't belong?  There was no fear by either kid around the animals, just ran up to them and started petting.  The little pig did not want to play, so the kids cornered it between two water buckets so they could pet it.  (Reminded me of two other cousins, whose names start with a L&J who probably did the same thing)
Then it was off to ride the rides, with a small stop to wash mud off Juliet because she fell in the only mud puddle in the place.  We started out with the train and Juliet freaked and Drew loved it.  They had to stop the ride to let her off, even the little boy in front of her had turned around to try to comfort her.  I think it was because she was sitting backwards and didn't like that.   Then it was on to the carousel and then the big slide, then she had to drive the cars.  Then she surprised me because she ran to the tea cups.  OK here we go I thought, we won't be on this very long.  She loved it until they started the ride next to us and that scared her. 

The kids were exhausted after that so we were done, imagine this scene, four adults standing around two screaming toddlers who were both walking in circles.  We headed home for a 2 hour nap!  What a wonderful time we had. 

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