Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two weeks in one

Can you believe we are into November, AGAIN!  There are 2 weeks of updates packed into this post, I forgot to post last week.

Juliet walks up the stairs now instead of crawling up them.  She either holds our hand or puts her hand on the wall to steady herself.  If she has something in her hands she expects you to steady her as she walks up not holding on to anything.  She has also started walking and running backwards.  Everything is 2 words together now.  big airmane, yellow bus, baby elephant, etc.  If you ask her what color something is the default is yellow, I have no clue why but she likes saying yellow.  We correct her and she will say the color we tell her.  She also started taking the balls out of the ball pit by color and then puts them back in one color at the time.  Mommy or Daddy have to kiss every hurt, and believe me there are alot of hurts lately. 
We have learned that Juliet says no when she is happy with her current situation.  If she wants to do something she will repeat what you say.  Juliet do you want to take a nap?, no nap.  Juliet do you want to go downstairs?, downstairs.  
We took JC and did the blitz for the Fall Festival at the church, she enjoyed going up to the doors, putting the flyers on the door and she even started knocking before we were done.  
Daddy and Juliet spent the Halloween weekend together while Mommy, Mama and Aunt Jessie went to Canton.  They had a good time together!  He even went to school Friday to watch the costume parade!
We took Juliet to the fall festival at the church on Halloween.  I was so glad that it was still daylight when it started.  She did everything except the hay ride, and with her allergies, I am glad she didn't want to do that.  There was a petting zoo and bouncy houses that she enjoyed alot!  What surprised me the most is she got her face painted.  She sat there really still while they drew a Mickey Mouse on her face.  I was in shock for the rest of the night.  Make sure you check out flickr for the pictures. 
Tuesday it was raining and she told me wawa wet, so I told her it's rain, wain wet. Smart girl!  It was raining Wednesday too and she immediately told me wawa wet.  We also took Juliet to vote with us, it is never too early to start teaching them the importance of things. 
On Friday coming home from school, I said Juliet, Love You and she said LOVE YOU!  It was awesome, I have been waiting so long to hear that!!
Saturday was a very busy day, we with Mama started out meeting Mrs. Jessica and her mom, Kimberly and Victoria at the Tea Room where we are having Jessica's baby shower.  The food was wonderful and the company was fun.  It was so fun to have a girls lunch!!  Then we headed to Daniel's birthday party at Gymboree in Willowbrook.  She played hard and had a good time climbing and crawling.  Daniel's mom put stickers in the goody bag and I thought she was going to freak out over them, but no, she loved them, put them all over her arms and legs.  Then she got one from the parking crew at church today!  Everyday it's something new or different.  We were supposed to go to a party with the church group, but we were so exhausted we missed it.  
We did pictures with Jeni Hendricks Photography today in the Eagle Springs subdivision.  She was a sweet lady who Juliet bonded with very well, I hope the pictures turn out great and that I have found a local photographer!  (Thanks to Cathy Theiss for recommending her.)  If you know someone who will give their time to dress as Santa for a charity event, she needs a volunteer or volunteers.  I can get you in touch with her. 
It promises to be another full week!

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