Our Clements Family

Our Clements Family

Sunday, February 13, 2011

When did it get to be mid February?

Happy Valentine's everyone!

I should be asleep, for someone who isn't getting much sleep, I shouldn't be updating my blog, but alas... sleep eludes me. 
A little late on this update, but some things that have been happening over the last week.
We spent the "snow day" at home playing in the warm house.  She did not understand that even though the sun was out and it was pretty outside, it was still really cold and we couldn't go outside to play.  Try explaining that one to a 2 year old who loves being outside more than anything. 

She watched me put on mascara Saturday morning and now when she looks at my eyes she says "mommy paint eyes."  She still remembers too, she looks for it and says "paint eyes," guess I have to stop being lazy and paint my eyes more often. 
I made her a bow board for the many bows that we have.  I have already filled it up so either we need another one, or less bows.  Another board it is! 

We attended a Super Bowl party with our bible study class on Sunday, she was such the big girl and behaved very well.  We only stayed until half time because of bath and bed but it was fun to be able to go.  When we were leaving, of course after we were away from everyone, she was saying "bye, bye body," pretty cute!
After her ordeal with the dino, I got her a small Daisy Duck because she has been all about Daisy lately so it seemed like a good gift.  She was such a trooper and I was so proud of her for keeping her bandaid on with no complaints that she deserved something.
We went to her Valentine's party at school on Friday.  She is still opposed to icing on her cake so the teachers had to go get her one from the kitchen that didn't have icing.  Apparently just wiping it off isn't good enough, it can never touch her muffin! 

I am so ready for all these teeth to be in.  She ran a fever Thursday night that I hoped was just teething because I wanted her to get to go to her party, she missed her Christmas one because she was sick.  One more is in so we are almost there.
Well you know about everything else, so I guess I am going to try to sleep.  Good Night to all!

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